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Why Choose Us

Our entire team of Caregiving Superheroes take pride in treating people the way we would like to be treated. We are passionate about supporting personal care hygiene needs and treating our clients like the Kings and Queens we see them as. We empathize with individuals that have mobility challenges, and also with those that are on the selfless yet rewarding, and at times exhausting, journey of caregiving.


We acknowledge the emotional, physical, mental, financial, and/or spiritual tolls endured by individuals with mobility challenges, and those that are family caregivers. While these tolls are very real and oftentimes navigated quietly, our goal is to help bear this load by providing dependable services, without minimizing or dismissing the challenges that people are going through.



Consider This…

There are mobile dog groomers, mobile veterinarians, and an abundance of dog walkers and 'poop scoopers' that can be conveniently called by phone or contacted via an App - all of this for pets/animals. While we're glad that pets have great options for their needs (and their owner's desires), people with temporary or long-term health challenges struggle to find safe and reliable services to help with their hygiene needs. In fact, many people with physical challenges settle for random strangers found on social media platforms, through online reviews (which can be fabricated), by reading a newspaper ad, or by seeing a flyer posted somewhere by a mystery person.


Unfortunately, these individuals are usually not vetted thoroughly because of desperate needs for help – further opening the door to abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable individuals. That's why we intentionally provide transparency regarding our Caregiving Superheroes' backgrounds and State-issued fingerprint clearance card numbers, which aids in the decision process for choosing us.


We considered the research and positions of the AARP


Many of the people we serve fall into what the AARP calls "THE GIGANTIC MIDDLE" -- Americans whose resources make them ineligible for Medicaid and other government-funded programs but are not wealthy enough to sustain the long-term, ongoing costs of their care as they age. We call them the "In-Betweeners." To address the needs of this large group, we introduced the Free Shower Project and other services. 


We considered data and reports from the National Council on Aging


According to the National Council on Aging, "Up to five million older Americans are abused every year, and the annual loss by victims of financial abuse is estimated to be at least $36.5 billion." Our services bring a fresh eyes perspective and duty to the clients we serve. Our physical presence while providing services, coupled with our observations, can aid families in detecting and countering different forms of abuse.


We considered data and stats from the CDC


According to the CDC, "Each year, approximately 2.2 million persons aged ≥15 years sustain unintentional, nonfatal injuries, costing approximately $67.3 billion in lifetime medical costs. Approximately two thirds of all injuries occurred in the tub or shower, and approximately half were precipitated by bathing or showering, slipping, or getting out of the tub or shower. Approximately 80% of all bathroom injuries were caused by falls, with the highest injury rates in the oldest age groups. For adults aged ≥65 years, falls often cause serious injuries such as hip fractures. For all ages, the most hazardous activities were bathing, showering, or getting out of the tub or shower." Our services help to counter the likelihood of someone sustaining an unintentional bathroom injury. 


We considered advisories from the U.S. Surgeon General…


The isolation and loneliness that many Americans feel is now being spotlighted by the U.S. government. In a May 2023 ADVISORY from the U.S. Surgeon General it reads, "even before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately half of U.S. adults reported experiencing measurable levels of loneliness. In fact, loneliness and isolation increase the risk for individuals to develop mental health challenges in their lives, and lacking connection can increase the risk for premature death to levels comparable to smoking daily." Our services help to disrupt cycles of loneliness and isolation as we bring a social connection like no other, while also addressing hygiene needs. All of which positively contribute to a person's physical and mental health.


We empathize with those in need of hygiene assistance


There are many abilities in life that most people take for granted - they don't give it much thought - one of those things is being able to take a thorough shower or bath on your own. When a person is unable to do something because of health challenges, asking for assistance doesn't always come easy. Most of us know what it feels like after a shower or bath - that clean feeling - the confidence that you gain from taking a shower or bath means a lot. It impacts your desire and motivation to interact with people. It can mean the difference between feeling ready to go to a doctor's appointment, shop at the grocery store, or go to any public place without worrying that someone is looking at you or talking about you because they might smell you. If you are able to maintain your own personal hygiene, you're not quick to think about how something as simple as taking a shower or bath regularly (2-3 times per week) can help keep infections from starting, spreading, and even leading to more serious medical problems. We share our physical and mental strength with our clients to make the experience of receiving hygiene assistance pleasant, patient, and without worry.


We empathize with those that are around-the-clock family caregivers


Many caregivers emotionally beat themselves up when they forget a task for their loved one, while others wonder if they're doing enough to assist their loved one. Caregivers are doing their best to care for their loved one, and we believe the majority mean well, but many fall short of providing thorough and safe personal hygiene care because they lack proper training and/or experience. Even with all of life's many demands that are addressed for yourself as an individual, you can still see or smell when your loved one needs personal hygiene assistance. It might be certain smells/odors that follow the person around, it may be accidents of urine and/or fecal matter in the bed linings or in clothes, it may be a buildup of food in their teeth, or you may notice extremely oily hair or skin. Coordinating personal hygiene assistance can be met with opposition from your loved one, but the importance of good hygiene and its benefits could mean the difference between improving the quality of life for your loved one and yourself. Prioritizing good personal hygiene helps to prevent infections that could lead to emergency room visits, lengthy hospitalizations, or even being told by hospital staff that you should consider hospice because the decline that started with an infection just went too far. The truth is that millions of family caregivers are quietly assisting their loved one with mobility challenges and they could use a safe, reliable, and thorough services like we provide to relieve them of some caregiving duties such as showering and bathing their loved one on a regular basis, or every now and then, as needed. 


We empathize with those that are long-distance caregivers

If you live an hour or more away from a person who needs care, you are a long-distance caregiver. This kind of care can take many forms - from helping with money management and arranging for in-home care, to providing respite care for a primary caregiver and planning for emergencies. You do your best to remotely work with companies and people - hoping they're reliable. You want to be able to trust them with getting the job done in a safe manner, but it's not always easy. With our services, we help you to check-in with your loved one and be more at peace by offering video calls on each service day. 

We empathize with those that work full-time outside the home, and are also full-time caregivers in the home

Juggling a full-time job, dealing with the daily work commute traffic, and addressing the needs of the household, all while also being a caregiver is exhausting on many levels. Finding balance during the caregiving journey is absolutely necessary for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Scheduling and coordinating large portions of caregiving duties such as baths and showers with a trusted company will free-up more time for you to take better care of yourself. Many families will use our services as a form of respite for the caregiver(s) while knowing that trained professionals will give their loved one great care.


We know what it's like to fight with medical insurance companies over claims and coverages


When you get medical insurance you expect it to be there for you when you need it most. When a person has health issues, they don't need the stress of fighting with a powerful insurance company, and they just don't have the fight in them to go back & forth with them either. Unfortunately, many people have experienced ridiculous actions from their insurance companies such as denying claims based on algorithms and reviews that are not thorough, not covering preventive maintenance appointments and procedures, and just flat-out not being proactive in supporting health & wellness initiatives like helping their insurance holders with hygiene issues that can lead to life threatening infections. Using our services regularly is a great way to be proactive with minimizing the chances of hygiene-related diseases.


We know what it's like to consider an expensive bathroom remodel


Many families have weighed the option of remodeling their bathroom to accommodate their loved one's need to have a safe and accessible bathroom, but for some the remodel costs are too expensive for their budget, especially when uncertain if the accessibility needs are short- or long-term, while others are looking at the long-term and are not sure if a remodel is the best route for their household. Then there's the time and due diligence needed to avoid unscrupulous contractors. There are many factors that go into the decision of whether to remodel or not, and for many, considering the possibility of negative impacts that handicap accessibility changes have on their home's resale value is a concern. Using our services can help you focus on immediate hygiene needs while you consider your remodel options.


We know what it's like to consider using an App to hire a random person to help


Many families had unfortunate experiences with the process of hiring random people from a caregiving website who sound good from what's typed in their profile, but their actions in person show you that there is much to be desired. Families are often not sure how to properly vet caregivers before allowing them into their home and ultimately entrusting their loved one into a stranger's care. Extra diligence must be exercised in order to weed-out con artists and the growing list of nurse imposters. With our services, no need to worry about imposters because we ensure our team members are thoroughly vetted.


We know what it's like to consider a Caregiver Agency


Many families are not able to pay a caregiving agency a 3-4 hour minimum - especially if they only need minimal services for their loved ones, such as hygiene assistance. They also prefer not to train a long list of rotating caregivers due to a variety of call-offs by unreliable people hired by the company. Families will oftentimes find it challenging to trust caregivers with just showing up and providing a fair day’s work, let alone treat their loved one as good as they would like to be treated.


Many families are appalled to learn that caregiving companies in Arizona are not required to ensure their employees possess a 'Level One' AZ Department of Public Safety fingerprint clearance card - meaning that your vulnerable loved one is left in the care of someone with a background that has not been checked by the State. Ironically, a massage therapist is required to have this type of clearance card, but someone providing in-home care for your loved one is not required to have it.


We know what it's like to consider placing a loved one in a Facility


Many families have conducted extensive research on nursing homes, group homes, and other facilities, and they are shocked to learn of the various reports in the media of neglect, abuse, exploitation, and the senseless deaths that take place in many of those places. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 2 out of 3 staff members at nursing homes surveyed by the WHO admitted to abusing or neglecting residents. Many families are looking for alternatives to keep their loved one at home as long as possible due to moral, spiritual, and/or religious beliefs, and some are simply trying to honor their loved one's wishes, but finding reliable services and people in general to assist is a major challenge.


The Nursing Home Abuse Justice team compiled and organized statistics on nursing home abuse from leading organizations like the National Council on Aging (NCOA), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA).


Here are some key nursing home abuse statistics you should know:


  • As many as 1 in 3 older adults have been the victim of nursing home abuse

  • Roughly 85% of assisted living facilities reported at least one case of abuse or neglect

  • Abuse of elderly adults can cause severe injuries and long-term mental health issues


In a study of elderly Americans who moved to a nursing home for their final months or years of life, 53 percent of nursing home residents in the died within six months and 65 percent died there within one year, according to an investigation by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and the University of California, San Francisco. Sadly, the majority of those who move to a nursing home will not enjoy many thriving and happy years.


Imagine what it's like for you or your loved one to be assisted with personal hygiene needs through the Free Shower Project by our Caregiving Superheroes...


Imagine a mobile team of Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), Licensed Nursing Assistants (LNAs), and other trained professionals who are passionate about giving back to their community by assisting your loved one with their non-medical hygiene needs and making them feel like a King or Queen. 


Imagine a mobile team that places you and your family's safety and security first as they assist with personal hygiene needs. A transparent team with thorough background checks conducted, and all of whom possess valid State-issued fingerprint clearance cards, and CPR/AED/First Aid cards. 


Imagine a mobile team that you don't have to invite into your home to show where the towels, clothes, soap, and other products are - only to hope that they clean-up your bathroom to your satisfaction and safely handle your loved one. 


Imagine being pushed in a wheelchair onto a completely mobile custom-built hygiene trailer designed with safety as the 1st priority - a trailer that does not use a noisy or air-polluting gas generator because it is simply powered by solar and electricity. 


Imagine being assisted with a rejuvenating bath or shower using UV-treated filtered water in a clean and sanitized environment, as you allow someone else to handle the clean-up and sanitizing.


Imagine having the option of your choice of beverage before and after you receive hygiene assistance services because your hydration is one of our priorities.


Imagine having the option of a video call with your loved on how the bath or shower experience went, and/or to gain additional peace of mind and a smile with knowing your loved one is safe and had a great experience.



You can stop imagining and join our Interest List!


"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall
spring forth; shall ye not know it?"

- Isaiah 43:19





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'Caregiving Superheroes' and 'H.A.P.P.I.N.E.S.S. On Wheels' are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). All Rights Reserved.


Copyright 2023 - 2025. 

H.A.P.P.I.N.E.S.S. On Wheels LLC. 




Office Phone:

(623) 401-HAPPY (4277)


Mailing Address:

875 S. Estrella Pkwy #5264

Goodyear, AZ 85338

Volunteer Opportunity:

If you are a CNA, LNA, or other health professional who is interested in volunteering for community events that support people with health challenges, please subscribe below.

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