Free Shower Project
- A Project of Compassion, Respect & Dignity -

The 'Free Shower Project' is our way of Spotlighting a National Crisis while doing something about it!
As you continue to read, please think about your family members and friends who could use some help with their personal hygiene needs, or you may be the person who needs help. The hard truth is that Americans are living longer and most have little-to-no resources to cover short- or long-term costs that are related to unforeseen health issues. The unexpected challenges of health issues will catch many people off-guard.
The 'Free Shower Project' was created to address a long list of public health issues revolving around personal care needs (baths, showers, teeth brushing, shaving, etc.) that many people simply can't afford to address, don't have the time or energy to address, or a variety of other reasons. When hygiene needs are addressed, it goes way beyond physical benefits, it uplifts people mentally and emotionally as well. If you or a loved one needs this type of help and can't afford it, nor qualify for government-funded programs, our 'Free Shower Project' could provide a safe, attentive, and dependable service.
We researched the personal hygiene crisis that many are facing and there are two things that stood out:
1) The U.S. government takes good care of many military veterans, but not all military veterans qualify for assistance outside of the walls of a VA hospital. We've seen several denial letters shared by military veterans and their families. They are shocked and disheartened to learn they don't "qualify" for a variety of services that a veteran with a service-connected disability can receive. This partially explains why so many veterans feel alone and not cared for during their health challenges - whether those challenges are mental, emotional, or physical. Sadly, the CDC reports to Congress that Veteran suicide-related deaths are increasing at a greater rate than that of the general U.S. population. We believe that having dependable and vetted assistance in place to keep up one's personal hygiene will help to counter depression and feelings of hopelessness which are contributing factors of suicide-related deaths.
2) For all Americans in general, a large percentage of people who we call the "In-Betweeners" make up the lower income portion of the middle-class. The "In-Betweeners" don't qualify for assistance because their household income is outside of a government-funded program's income limit. But many of these same people struggle to meet their basic household needs, let alone have the money to address caregiving needs for themselves or a loved one - they simply can't afford to. Due to the lack of funds in many households, personal hygiene needs are often skipped or simply not prioritized, which can lead to hygiene-related diseases according to the CDC.
In one example of the domino-effect of poor hygiene, the consequences of not properly caring for one's teeth/mouth could lead to severe dental issues or other health issues that people are forced to experience. In another example, not receiving a thorough shower, bath, or perineal care for long periods of time could lead to skin breakdowns, rashes, and/or infections that can cause a quick health decline that could've been avoided. In both examples, the emotional, mental, and financial tolls on caregivers and the individual in need of care are usually at an all-time high while trying to meet other household needs. Those needs could include staying hydrated, fed, and physically active in some way. Also, if there are special supervision needs, coupled with mobility issues, therapy appointments, doctor appointments, vitamin supplements, prescription administering, and/or operating and sanitizing medical equipment, then the family is usually pushing themselves to great lengths to meet all of those needs while important areas of personal hygiene care take a back seat.
We get it! We see and acknowledge you and recognize that you have many challenges. Most importantly, we want to help!
We have mobilized a team of Caregiving Superheroes (Licensed Nurse Assistants and Certified Nurse Assistants) who are volunteers for the 'Free Shower Project' which provide non-medical hygiene assistance on a first come, first served basis. Veterans will receive preference as we identify them on the Interest List, but all others with a health challenge can also join the Interest List to learn how we may be able to assist their unique situation. For more information on what we've researched, and to gain more insight on why we care about what families are going through, please visit the 'Why Choose Us' page of this website.
Our services are first come first served, so join the Interest List now!