Forms of Caregiving
Found in the Bible
There are several examples of caregiving found in the Bible. We first looked at the parable of what many have come to identify as the "Good Samaritan" found in Luke 10:30-37. In these verses, Jesus spoke of the Samaritan that helped a man that was beaten and robbed of his possessions - including his clothes. Others were aware of the injured man, but they chose to do nothing.
The Samaritan not only showed compassion by nursing the wounds of the injured man, but he also made payment arrangements with an innkeeper to continue caring for the man. He even went as far to pledge payment for additional costs that may come as a result of caring for the injured man. In this example, not only was one-on-one caregiving provided, but another form of caregiving was demonstrated when the Samaritan coordinated and arranged payment for the injured man's care in his absence.
A caregiver sacrifices his or her time, energy, and love every day. We understand that some people will coordinate the services that we provide for their loved one, and we're happy to be of service. The reasons to use our service vary from a need for respite, a lack of training to safely provide the hygiene care, personal preference by the person needing the care, etc. By using us to ensure that the hygiene needs of your loved one are being met, you are exercising an important form of caregiving similar to the actions of the Good Samaritan.
The attributes of Christ, His mercy and compassion, are all critical to caregiving. Jesus demonstrated the ultimate examples of caregiving, and while no one can measure up to Jesus's example perfectly, caregivers should always remember that they aren't just doing good work - they are doing God's work, exemplified in Christ.

The example that Jesus showed us...
John 19:25-27
As Jesus hung on a cross, He addressed the future care of His mother Mary. It was an act of love that Jesus demonstrated before He laid down His life for all of our sins. In the midst of His suffering, Jesus didn't leave His mother with just anyone or anywhere, He entrusted the care of His mother to His disciple.
What Joseph did...
Genesis 47:11-12
Joseph provided for his father (Jacob) and his brothers during a time of great famine.

What Tabitha (Dorcas) did...
Acts 9:36-39
Tabitha (Dorcas) provided coats and garments to widows which kept them clothed and warm.
What Ruth did...
Ruth 2:17
Ruth provided for her deceased husband's mother by gleaning the fields to gather leftovers from the harvest.